"Merci for the quick responce on our site. That is one of the many reasons why we love you."
- Leland and Sally Crochet, The Crochet House



Time For A New Design or Redesign?

Redesigning your web site is a good thing. You will not have the same content as your old site and this will improve your ranking which means more money to be made.

When thinking about the design of your new web site you also need to think of the underlying code base. This not a cheap undertaking so you will have to talk with your developer to discuss what you can and cannot afford. Do not be afraid to ask if there is something that you really want but cannot afford. They may be able to eliminate something that is really not necessary to be able to include what you really want on your new web site.

Making sure each page is user friendly, the photo gallery is indexed and your blog is relevant are definitely key components to consider for the new design. Having a mobile friendly site is another important must in your redesign. If you have changed your company logos make sure the new site is color coordinated. This is mostly for the user experience but your customer experience is becoming more and more important to how Google indexes you.

A good time to launch your new design is when your company is offering a new product or promotion. You need to make sure that your new web site is generating traffic. When moving your pages, be sure to have a 301 redirect for any pages that have been moved or removed.

Because the internet changes from day to day, it is important that your new design not only visually great but easy to navigate for guests or search engines. It can be a good idea to ask your community of users for feedback about your new design. Do not just dismiss their suggestions. Remember that they are the audience you are catering to and the longer they stay on your site, the deeper they go and the more people that come to your site will tell the search engines that you might need your ranking increased.

We know you may be nervous about launching a new web design to a more professional one because of SEO. Check to see what catches the user's attention in the first few seconds after the landing page has loaded. It may take a few weeks or a month to really find out if your new web site is a success. team will make sure the important details are monitored and ensure that you will get the best value in your new design or redesign. We understand this is a serious investment for you and your potential clients.